Infographic: clients entering treatment for cocaine in Europe


This infographic, developed to accompany the miniguide Stimulants: health and social responses in Europe presents some key statistics on clients entering treatment with cocaine as their primary drug, in the EU-27, Norway and Turkey. For more detailed statistics on treatment demand, as well as methodological information, please refer to the Data section of our website.

Source of referral of cocaine clients entering treatment
Cocaine treatment entrants by setting


Accommodation type of cocaine clients entering treatment
Gender distribution of treatment entrants
Education status of cocaine clients entering treatment
Labour status of clients entering treatment
Type of cocaine
Frequency of use

Source data

Table 1. Source of referral for cocaine clients entering treatment
Referral Percent Number
Criminal justice system 8.5 4489
Health care system 22.7 11970
Other 8.5 4485
Self-referred 60.2 31705
Table 2. Cocaine treatment entrants by setting
Setting % number
Inpatient 6.4 3562
Other 2.8 1579
Outpatient 90.8 50685
Table 3. Accommodation type of clients entering treatment
Type Percent number
Other 2.1 4419
Stable 20.3 41849
Unstable 1.5 3050
Table 4. Gender distribution of clients entering treatment for cocaine
Gender Percentage (%) Number
Females 15 8233
Males 85 46792
Table 5. Education status of cocaine clients entering treatment
Education level % Number
Higher level 8.6 4147
Primary level 23 11153
Primary not completed 7 3390
Secondary level 61.4 29706
Table 6. Labour status of cocaine clients entering treatment
Status Percent Number
Occasionally employed 11.4 5612
On social welfare 7.6 3745
Other 4.4 2174
Regularly employed 37.1 18299
Student 1.9 929
Unemployed 37.7 18578
Table 7. Type of cocaine
Type % Number
Crack cocaine 14.3 7485
Powder cocaine 85.7 44753
Table 8. Cocaine: frequency of use for clients entering treatment
  Percentage (%) Number
2-3 days / week 22.8 22000
4-6 days / week 13.7 13264
Daily 26.2 25337
Not used in the last 30 days 20.5 19826
Once a week or less 16.7 16176