EMCDDA contact information

On this page you can find all contact information for the EMCDDA as well as instructions for visitors on how to get to our offices from within Lisbon or from Lisbon airport. We have also included answers to some frequently asked questions which you may wish to read before contacting us.

Main contact information and address

Postal address

The postal address of the EMCDDA's offices is:

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Praça Europa 1, Cais do Sodré
1249-289 Lisbon

Tel.: +351 211 21 02 00
Fax: +351 211 21 03 80


GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude): 38.705767, -9.142749

Location in Apple Maps  

Location in Google Maps  

Opening hours

The EMCDDA is open from Monday to Friday, 9.00 to 18.00 and is closed on weekends and for public holidays.

General enquiries

For all general enquiries about the EMCDDA (with the exception of media- and press-related enquiries) including general questions about our work, the content of our publications, please use our main email:

This email account is actively monitored. We endeavour to reply to all emails within 2 business days.

For media queries, please use the following email:


Specific queries

Please use the contact details below for specific queries.

Press officer:

Technical issues or support with our website:

Jobs and recruitment

Contacting us about translations

EMCDDA Data Protection Officer

EMCDDA on social media

The EMCDDA is present on a number of social media platforms. Please note that, while we will make every effort to do so, we cannot guarantee a response to any message or query submitted to us through one of these channels.

Getting to the EMCDDA

In Lisbon, the EMCDDA is also known under its Portuguese name: Observatório Europeu da Droga e da Toxicodependência (OEDT). This information might be useful when getting around.

From the airport

The EMCDDA's offices can quickly and easily be reached from Lisbon Airport by public transport (metro, shuttle bus) or taxi. Information is available on this dedicated transportation page of the website of Lisbon airport. Options include:

  • Metro (cheapest): the airport's metro terminal is located just outside the main building. Tickets can be purchased inside the metro station and cost the same as a normal metro ticket. The total journey time should be no more than 40 minutes. You will need to change lines once (at Alameda) where you should follow the indications for the Green (Verde) line, and take the direction Cais do Sodré. You should descend at Cais do Sodré (terminus). The EMCDDA's offices are a two-minute walk from the metro station. Find more details on the website of Lisbon Metro.
  • Aerobus shuttle service: Aerobus is an express bus shuttle service from the airport to the city centre. Tickets can be purchased on the bus. The bus makes a small number of stops along the way but its final stop is at Cais do Sodré and this is also where you should get off. The EMCDDA's offices are located opposite the bus stop. Once onboard, the bus journey is between 20 and 30 minutes depending on traffic, etc.
  • Taxis: there is a well-served taxi rank just outside the airport. In normal driving conditions, the trip should take between 20 and 30 minutes and the cost should be between EUR 10 and 15. All fares including extras are shown on the taxi meter.

By metro (from within the city)

The EMCDDA's office is located right next to the metro, train, bus and boat station Cais do Sodré (green line).

For the most up to date information, see the website of the Lisbon metro.

By bus (from within the city)

There are various bus lines that stop close to the EMCDDA's main office in Cais do Sodré, such as 35, 36, 40, 44, 758, 781 and 782.

Check the website of the Lisbon bus company Carris when planning a trip by bus.

By boat (from the other side of the Tejo)

There are ferry connections between Cais do Sodré and Cacilhas, Seixal and Montijo.

For timetables, please visit the Transtejo website.

Contact FAQ: answers to some frequently asked questions

To save you time, we have included here answers to some frequently asked contact-related questions about the EMCDDA.

Can you include a link to my website somewhere on emcdda.europa.eu? Can we trade links?

We regret that the EMCDDA cannot publish links to external websites and services on our website. Similarly, the EMCDDA cannot trade links with you. You are of course welcome to link to the EMCDDA website from your own website. We are also happy to receive links to websites, publications and other material, which you feel may be useful to share with us or of interest to our work (unfortunately in this case we cannot guarantee an individual response).

We would like to write content, articles or blog posts for your website — who should we talk to?

We regret that the EMCDDA does not make use of external writing services or accept unsolicited articles, reports or other similar material.

We offer a product or service we think the EMCDDA would be interested in. What procedure should we follow?

As a public institution, the EMCDDA follows a stringent process for the procurement of products and services and cannot enter into procurement agreements based on unsolicited contacts. Please see the Procurement section of our website for information on ongoing calls of interest and other procurement opportunities.

I want to work at the EMCDDA. Do you accept spontaneous job applications and to whom should I send my CV?

We regret that the EMCDDA does not accept spontaneous job applications, nor can we hold your CV or job application on file. All positions in the EMCDDA, including traineeships, are posted to the Jobs vacancies and recruitment information section of our website.

I'm a journalist and I'd like to schedule an interview with one of your experts. How can I do this?

We will be glad to assist you in any way we can. Please contact our Press officer by email at: press[a]emcdda.europa.eu or by phone at +(351) 211 21 02 00.

Can I reuse your data/content for my project, paper, publication?

As a general rule, the EMCDDA encourages the reuse of our content and data in your own work. Where possible, we try to publish source data alongside graphiics. Please note that this only applies for material to which the EMCDDA owns the copyright and in particular may not apply to photographic material used for illustrative purposes on our website or in our publications. For details and the most up-to-date information, we invite you to read the Copyright section of our Legal notice.
