Customised employment supports to promote motivation on employment rate

Summary of the evidence

  • Likely to be beneficial

Customised employment supports for methadone maintenance clients focusing on individualised interventions to promote vocational skills and reduction of non-vocational barriers (e.g. low self-efficacy) was found to be effective in one RCT (n = 168; Magura et al., 2007, cited in EMCDDA, 2012 - Online appendix):

  • 41 % of intervention vs. 25.5 % of standard vocational counselling participants had paid employment (full or part time) during both follow-up periods;
  • regression analysis showed that having prior paid employment, full intervention and receiving the intervention rather than the control were significant predictors of having any paid employment at follow-up;
  • there was, however, no difference in mean income during the study period.