Circumstances, motivation, readiness and suitability scales for substance abuse treatment (CMRS)

Original/alternative title:  CMRS scale


The CMRS is a 18-item self administered questionnaire.

It is designed to measure motivation and readiness for treatment and to predict retention in treatment among abusers of illicit drugs. It can be used as an intake device, clinical treatment planning tool, and research instrument. CMRS is a useful instrument in the identification of client risk for early drop-out in different treatment modalities, specially for residential therapeutic communities.

The instrument consists of four factor derived scales:Circumstances 1 (external influences to enter or remain in treatment, Circumstances 2 (internal influences to leave treatment), Motivation (internal recognition of the need to change) and Readiness for treatment.

Additional information

DeLeon, G., Melnick, G., Kressel, D., Jainchill, N. Circumstances, motivation, readiness and suitability (The CMRS Scales): Predicting retention in therapeutic community treatment. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 20(4), 495-515, (1994).
