EMCDDA Scientific Committee


The task of the Scientific Committee is to assist the Management Board and the Director of the EMCDDA by delivering an opinion on any scientific matter concerning the Centre's activity which the Management Board or the Director may submit to it. In addition, the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances is carried out by the Scientific Committee, in accordance with Article 5c of Regulation (EC) No 1920/2006 (as amended by regulation (EU) 2017/2101).


The EMCDDA Scientific Committee is set up by Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1920/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (as amended by regulation (EU) 2017/2101).

The task of the Scientific Committee is to assist the Management Board and the Director of the EMCDDA by delivering an opinion on any scientific matter concerning the Centre's activity which the Management Board or the Director may submit to it. In addition, the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances is carried out by the Scientific Committee, in accordance with Article 5c of Regulation (EC) No 1920/2006 (as amended by regulation (EU) 2017/2101).

The Committee consists of fifteen well-known scientists appointed by the Management Board in view of their scientific excellence and their independence, following a publication of a call for expressions of interest in the Official Journal of the European Union. The selection procedure ensures that the specialist fields of the members of the Scientific Committee cover the most relevant scientific fields linked to the problems of drug and drug addiction. The members of the Scientific Committee are appointed in a personal capacity and give their opinions completely independently of the Member States and the Community Institutions and serve for a three-year period (renewable).

The Scientific Committee is requested by the EMCDDA founding regulation to give a formal opinion on the EMCDDA programming documents on the basis of a draft submitted by the Centre's Director before it is presented to the Management Board. The Scientific Committee reviews many of the EMCDDA publications with regard to their scientific quality, plays an important role in the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances and supports the different working areas of the EMCDDA. Since its constitution, the Scientific Committee has established itself as an important pillar of the EMCDDA’s institutional life, ensuring the scientific legitimacy of the Centre and providing for continuous improvement of the main outputs.

Minutes from recent Scientific Committee meetings and other reference documents are available under Documents.

Rules of procedure of the EMCDDA Scientific Committee.



Scientific field Photo Member Affiliation Nationality Specific expertise Documents
Basic biological, neurobiological and behavioural research Dr. Rodríguez de Fonseca, Fernando Member

Fundación IMABIS, Málaga, Spain

Spanish Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Neurobiology of drug addiction, Basic research 001_Declaration of interest_template for members SC_200129-nosign.pdf [PDF - 275.74 KB] 001_Declaration of independence_template for members SC_200129-nosign.pdf [PDF - 163.8 KB] Fernando Rodriguez de Fonseca cv.pdf [PDF - 73.12 KB]
Demand reduction Prof. Dr. Fischer, Gabriele Member

Center of Public Health, Department of Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, Medical University Vienna, Austria

Austrian Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Addiction research, Teaching, Policy and treatment, Public health, Gender research in psychiatry, Human rights EMCDDA_Declaration of Interest-nosign.pdf [PDF - 976.68 KB] EMCDDA_Declaration of Independence-nosign.pdf [PDF - 439.38 KB] Gabriele Fischer cv.pdf [PDF - 501.04 KB]
Demand reduction Prof. Dr. Clausen, Thomas Member

Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research (SERAF), Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway

Norwegian Addiction Research, Prevention of health consequences of drug use, Drug related mortality declaration-of-interest_tc.pdf [PDF - 2.07 MB] declaration-of-independence_tc.pdf [PDF - English - 60.66 KB] short-cv-thomas-clausen.pdf [PDF - English - 109.69 KB]
Demand reduction Dr. Torrens Mèlich, Marta Member

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute and Neuropsychiatry and Addictions Institute, Consorci Parc de Salut Mar, Barcelona, Spain

Spanish Psychiatry MTorrens-Declaration of interest-nosign.pdf [PDF - 360.17 KB] MTorrens-Declaration of Independence-members SC-nosign.pdf [PDF - 107.59 KB] Marta Torrens cv.pdf [PDF - 61.7 KB]
Demand reduction Dr. Ferrer-Wreder, Laura Member

Department of Psychology, Stockholm University

Swedish Addiction Research, Hidden populations, Clinical psychology Declaration-of-interest-Laura-Ferrer-Wreder [DECLARATION-OF-INTEREST-LAURA-FERRER-WREDER - 337.23 KB] Declaration-of-independence-Laura-Ferrer-Wreder [DECLARATION-OF-INDEPENDENCE-LAURA-FERRER-WREDER - 126.24 KB] Short-CV-Laura-Ferrer-Wreder [SHORT-CV-LAURA-FERRER-WREDER - 110.83 KB]
Drug policy Prof. Dr. Bergeron, Henri Vice-Chair

Centre de Sociologie des Organisations, Sciences Po Paris, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris, France

French Sociology, Political science and policy evaluation Declaration of interest Henri Bergeron.pdf [PDF - 257.04 KB] Declaration of independence Henri Bergeron.pdf [PDF - 118.17 KB] Henri Bergeron cv.pdf [PDF - 67.58 KB]
Drug policy Dr. Jauffret-Roustide, Marie Member

Inserm (French Institute of Health and Medical Research), Paris, France

French Sociology, Drug policy, Public health, Ethnicity, Gender issues, Harm reduction, Migration 001_Declaration of interest_MarieJauffretRoustide-nosign.pdf [PDF - 208.01 KB] 001_Declaration of independenceMarieJauffretRoustide-nosign.pdf [PDF - 113.33 KB] Marie Jauffret-Roustide cv.pdf [PDF - 56.03 KB]
Population-based research and epidemiology Prof. Dr. Ojanperä, Ilkka Member

Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Helsinki and Forensic Toxicology Unit, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland

Finnish Pharmacology & Toxicology Declaration of interest Ojanperä0001-nosign.pdf [PDF - 314.13 KB] Declaration of independence Ojanperä0001-nosign.pdf [PDF - 201 KB] Short CV Ojanperä.pdf [PDF - 285.23 KB]
Population-based research and epidemiology Prof. Dr. Gaspar de Matos, Margarida Member

Faculdade de Motricidade Humana and Instituto de Saúde Ambiental/Faculdade de Medicina, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Portuguese Epidemiology, Incidence and prevalence Declaration of interest-nosign.pdf [PDF - 258.08 KB] EMCDDA_MGM_DeclofIndependence_2020-nosign.pdf [PDF - 120.53 KB] Margarida Gaspar de Matos cv.pdf [PDF - 52.47 KB]
Population-based research and epidemiology Dr. Lintonen, Tomi Member

Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies, Helsinki, Finland

Finnish Health promotion, Epidemiology, Public health 001_Declaration_of_interest_Lintonen.pdf [PDF - 3.72 MB] 001_Declaration_of_independence_Lintonen.pdf [PDF - 1.81 MB] 001_ShortCV_Lintonen.pdf [PDF - 28.71 KB]
Population-based research and epidemiology Dr. Ivers, Jo-Hanna Member

School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin

Irish Epidemiology, Public health and addiction epidemiology, Addiction research Declaration-of-interest-Jo-Hanna-Ivers [DECLARATION-OF-INTEREST-JO-HANNA-IVERS - 127.99 KB] Declaration-of-independence-Jo-Hanna-Ivers [DECLARATION-OF-INDEPENDENCE-JO-HANNA-IVERS - 86.92 KB] Short-CV-Jo-Hanna-Ivers.pdf [PDF - 111.23 KB]
Population-based research and epidemiology Prof. Dr. Comiskey, Catherine Chair

School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

Irish Epidemiology, Mathematics, Modelling of treatment outcomes, Incidence and prevalence, Translation of research into policy and practice, Healthcare statistics Declaration-of-interest-Catherine-Comiskey.pdf [PDF - 182.3 KB] Declaration-of-independence-Catherine-Comiskey.pdf [PDF - 39.22 KB] Short-CV-Catherine-Comiskey.pdf [PDF - 54.65 KB]
Supply, supply reduction and crime Dr. Moeller, Kim Member

Faculty of Health and Society, Department of criminology, Malmö University, Sweden

Danish Criminology, Drug trafficking Moeller_001_Declaration of interest_template for members SC_200129-nosign.pdf [PDF - 251.47 KB] Moeller_001_Declaration of independence_template for members SC_200129-nosign.pdf [PDF - 122.01 KB] Moeller_001_ShortCV.pdf [PDF - 84.94 KB]
Supply, supply reduction and crime Prof. Dr. Liem, Marieke Member

Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University, The Netherlands

Dutch Criminology, Clinical psychology 001_Declaration of interest_template for members SC_200129 ML-nosign.pdf [PDF - 254.53 KB] 001_Declaration of independence_template for members SC_200129 ML-nosign.pdf [PDF - 121.83 KB] Marieke Liem cv.pdf [PDF - 125.82 KB]
Supply, supply reduction and crime Dr. Colman, Charlotte Member

Professor Drug Policy and Criminology (Department of Criminology, Criminal Law & Social Law, Ghent University)

Belgian Drug supply markets, Policy evaluation, Drug policy, Criminology, Policy and treatment Declaration-of-interest-Charlotte-Colman [DECLARATION-OF-INTEREST-CHARLOTTE-COLMAN - 227.68 KB] Declaration-of-independence-Charlotte-Colman [DECLARATION-OF-INDEPENDENCE-CHARLOTTE-COLMAN - 167.28 KB] Short-CV-Charlotte-Colman.pdf [PDF - 112.89 KB]
