Main behavioural techniques used in prevention interventions in high-risk neighbourhoods: evidence of effectiveness, 2019


Main behavioural techniques used in prevention interventions in high-risk neighbourhoods: evidence of effectiveness, 2019

Good evidence
Unclear evidence
No evidence

Ratings based on expert opinion collected through an EMCDDA structured survey. Information(learning by reading and listening); Education (learning by observing, experience, and interaction); Training (imparting skills and competences, learning by doing); Norm setting (settings norms and rules, limiting opportunities); Environmental restructuring (“choice architecture” that facilitates desired behaviour by changing physical and social contexts); Provision of incentives (providing incentive for desired behaviour). The source data for these graphics is available in the source tables on this page.

Good evidence
Intervention Number of countries
Environmental restructuring 12
Norm setting 6
Unclear evidence
Intervention Number of countries
Education 11
Training 7
Provision of incentives 4
No evidence
Intervention Number of countries
Information 11