Strategy and work programme 2007–09


Drug use remains a key issue within Europe, and the EU’s response to drug use has a profound impact on the health, well-being and security of its citizens. The use of illicit drugs remains a complex policy area to address as it spans public health, criminal justice and community safety issues. The EMCDDA’s role is to provide reliable, comparable and relevant information and thereby to support informed and evidence-based policies and actions. The strategy for the next 3-year work programme is a straightforward one: to concentrate on the core business of monitoring the drugs phenomenon and to ensure that maximum value is secured from the investments made in this area. The aim is to build upon the success that has already been achieved in developing the information tools and mechanisms that now provide a sound foundation for information collection at the European level, ensuring that maximum analytical value is derived from the data collected, and that this information is effectively disseminated in products tailored to the needs of the EMCDDA’s key audiences. 

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Table of contents

  • Strategic overview
  • A sound framework for drugs monitoring in Europe
    • Making the right choices – principles and priorities
    • Building on achievements and adapting to changing circumstances
    • Goals and outcome
    • Means and resources – adequacy and efficiency