Technical Meeting on Prison and Drugs

Close shot of different items laying in a surface: some drugs (cocaine and pills) and a syringe, also a pair of handcuffs in the background, more blurry.

Drugs and prison represent an important area for the EMCDDA and its increasing relevance is reflected in the EU Drugs Strategy 2021-2025 and in the EMCDDA programming documents. The new EMCDDA regulation will enter into force in July 2024, involving new tasks that will impact on the area of prison and drugs and might lead to new opportunities and challenges.

The EMCDDA has supported the availability and quality of evidence-based information on drugs and prison in Europe, through the implementation of a methodological framework for monitoring drugs and prison in the European countries, with data being increasingly used at different levels of the EMCDDA and EU institutions.

The meeting on 21-22 March 2024 in Lisbon aims to facilitate exchange among EU experts in the field in the area of drugs and prison, provide an update on current ongoing projects, and discuss the implications of the new EMCDDA mandate for the area of prison and drugs.
