EMCDDA training for Georgian drug treatment professionals – second edition

From 14 to 18 November, over five half days, Georgian professionals will receive online training on drug treatment interventions. This is the second edition of the training course that was piloted in July among 15 English-speaking drug treatment practitioners from Georgia.  

Based on pre-assessed local needs and adjusted according to the evaluation of the pilot training, this course will again focus on treatment responses to specific drugs and patterns of use. It consists of six modules: Action framework for developing health and social responses to drug problems, Cannabis, Opioids, Stimulants, Polydrug use and Implementation of quality standards for drug services.

During the training — delivered by renowned European experts Prof. Dr Katalin Felvinczi, Dr Eva Hoch and Prof. Dr Gabriele Fischer — 20 professionals will be guided through the key steps for developing effective, evidence-based, drug-related treatment responses. They will also have the opportunity to discuss the feasibility and relevance of some European examples and share their own practices.

The course draws on key EMCDDA publications, such as the Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide, the EMCDDA guide to implementing quality standards for drug services and systems and the Best practice portal. Along with the training materials, selected publications have also been translated to Georgian to provide background reading materials in the national language.

The event takes place under the technical cooperation project EMCDDA4Georgia (EMCDDA4GE). Launched in May 2021, EMCDDA4GE is the first bilateral project between the EMCDDA and Georgia, funded by the European Union. It aims to enhance national responses to drug-related health and security threats and to familiarise Georgian partners with the EU drug information system and its methodologies and tools. The project focuses primarily on knowledge transfer and capacity-building in the areas of drug monitoring, reporting, prevention and treatment.


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