EU4MD: Darknet drug-related investigations, Regional training (South)

From 27 to 30 January 2020, in close collaboration with the Public Security Directorate – Anti-Narcotics Department of Jordan, the EMCDDA delivered a training course on drug-related investigations on the darknet. This capacity-building activity was tailored to the needs of law enforcement agencies in the project’s partner countries. Law enforcement officers from Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and Palestine(*) participated in the course, which included theoretical and practical sessions as well as scenario-based exercises.

The course was designed to enhance the capacity of police and other law enforcement staff to understand drug supply through darknet markets and how to investigate such cases, providing skills and practical tools needed for conducting such operations. The event also provided an opportunity for in-depth discussions between drug experts working in the southern neighbourhood countries. The delegates were able to share their knowledge and experience, and a foundation for future exchanges was established.

(*)This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.
