XXI Conference of the Proyecto Hombre Association: encouraging socio-labour inclusion

EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel is in Madrid today where he is speaking at the inaugural session of the XXI Conference of the Proyecto Hombre Association. The event aims to encourage the exchange of policies on the socio-labour insertion of people with addiction problems or at risk of social exclusion.

The conference will boost reflection on active employment policies and raise awareness of the need for the social inclusion of ‘at risk’ groups. It will also encourage the dissemination of ideas, knowledge and best practice among NGOs, public administrations and companies.

The conference is being opened by: Magdalena Valerio, Minister of Labour, Migration and Social Security; Azucena Martí Palacios, Government Commissioner for the National Plan on Drugs (Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare) and Luis Bononato, President of the Proyecto Hombre Association. Mr Goosdeel will present an overview of the European drug situation in a session chaired by Elena Álvarez, Deputy Director of Institutional Relations at the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs.

The EMCDDA Strategy 2025 supports interventions which prevent and reduce drug use, drug-related morbidity, mortality and other harms and which support recovery and social reintegration. The EMCDDA has an important responsibility to act as a catalyst for improving the quality and delivery of responses to reduce the health and social consequences associated with drug use.

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