Reitox Academy on ‘Drug related expenditures’ in Israel

This Reitox Academy was organised in close cooperation with the Israel Anti-Drug Authority (IADA). The objectives were to better understand the EMCDDA role within and beyond the European Union and its data collection mechanisms and tools; to better understand drug-related public expenditure; to share good practices in estimating costs of Opioid Substitution Treatment in some European countries; to develop a roadmap to estimate drug-related public expenditures in Israel.

Target audience The course gathered, 33 Israeli experts, representing IADA, the Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research, the Israel Police, the Brookedale Institute, the Ben Gurion University of the Negav, the Ministries of Public Security, Health, Social Affairs and Social Services, Education, Justice, the National Insurance Institute of Israel, the Israel prison service, the Israel National Road Safety Authority and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, attended the course.
