Annual expert meeting on Drug-related deaths (DRD) and Drug-related infectious diseases (DRID) – Preliminary summary and highlights of the meeting


Two EMCDDA expert meetings, dedicated to the agency’s drug-related deaths and mortality among drug users indicator (DRD) and the drug-related infectious diseases indicator (DRID), were held in Lisbon from 15–17 October.

This three-day event gathering the DRD and DRID key indicator networks offered a platform for expert discussion among European experts in the field. Attendance at the meetings was restricted to nominated experts of the 28 EU Member States, Norway and Turkey, invited speakers and guests. The agency’s EU partners, international organisations and non-EU countries were also represented. Epidemiologists, clinicians and public-health practitioners brought to the table their multifaceted expertise and shared perspectives with the Reitox national focal points, EU- and non-EU national public health institutes, international organisations and civil society.

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