Xchange prevention registry

About the Xchange prevention registry

Xchange is an online registry of thoroughly evaluated prevention interventions. Use the options below to find prevention programmes or strategies. Find here a toolbox for implementers to make their interventions ready for inclusion in Xchange and fitter for real-life use. Read more about Xchange here.

Nuestros colaboradores

El registro de prevención EvidenciaViva es fruto de la colaboración entre la EMCDDA y una serie de organizaciones colaboradoras. Puedes encontrar más información sobre nuestros colaboradores en este enlace.

Buscador de programas

Programme title Sort descending Date added European countries where evaluated Xchange rating
Incredible Years - Teacher Classroom Management (IY-TCM) - a comprehensive programme for parents, teachers, and children to prevent, reduce, and treat behavioural and emotional problems in children United Kingdom, Ireland Possibly beneficial
IPSY - life skills training with discussions on school context and learning climate Germany, Italy Likely to be beneficial
KiVa (Anti-bullying programme) - Combined universal and indicated type of an anti-bullying programme for school children Finland, Italy, Netherlands Likely to be beneficial
Life Skills Training (LST) - a classroom-based universal prevention programme to reduce the long-term risk of alcohol, tobacco and drugs in middle-school Italy, Spain Additional studies recommended
Local environmental alcohol licencing strategies Netherlands, United Kingdom Possibly beneficial
Lombardian Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) programme: a comprehensive multi-domain intervention in North-Italian enterprises Italy Additional studies recommended
Marte Meo - a systemic school-based model for early detection and intervention targeting children who display externalizing behaviour Sweden Additional studies recommended
MOTI-4: Motivational Interviewing, self–monitoring, and strengthening behavioural control to reduce cannabis use Netherlands Possibly beneficial
Multisystemic Therapy (MST) - intensive family- and community-based intervention for antisocial behaviour in juvenile offenders Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom Possibly beneficial
My Health Diary - a school-based programme to enhance subjective well-being and health by strengthening emotional and social skills and parent-child relationships Italy Additional studies recommended

Collaborations and partnerships in best practice
