Trends in injecting drug use in Europe


Trends in injecting drug use in Europe is the title of the latest EMCDDA Selected issue publication. This volume brings together data from a wide variety of sources as it describes Europe’s current drug injecting problem and plots its trends in recent years. Responses to drug injecting and measures to reduce the harm caused by this form of drug use are also reviewed. The report finds that the available data point to a stable or declining trend of injecting in most European countries, with effective treatment and harm-reduction measures now reaching many users. Despite this, there is still a large population of drug injectors in Europe, and there continue to be signs of recent recruitment in some countries. A multilingual summary of the contents is available >>

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Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Prevalence and trends in injecting drug use in Europe
  • Interventions targeting injecting drug use
  • Overall findings

Multilingual summaries
