Upcoming European guide on health and social responses to drug problems

Coming soon: first EMCDDA guide on responding to drugs

Health and social responses to drug problems in Europe will be placed in the spotlight next month in a pioneering new EMCDDA guide to be launched on 24 October during Lisbon Addictions 2017.

Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide is designed to provide an overview of actions or interventions undertaken to address the negative consequences associated with the illicit drug phenomenon. It also acts as a gateway to a wide range of online resources, including links to evidence and tools.

The purpose of the guide is to help those involved in tackling drug problems to develop new programmes or improve existing services. Designed to serve as a reference document, it incorporates summaries and user-friendly signposting to highlight key information, best practice examples and implications for policy and practice.

The guide looks at the issue from diverse perspectives, including responding to:

  • problems associated with different types of drug and patterns of use;
  • the needs of different groups (e.g. women, young people, asylum seekers); and
  • problems in different settings (e.g. prisons, festivals, schools, workplace).

The publication presents a framework for developing interventions and explores options for supporting their successful implementation (e.g. using evidence and quality standards).

This resource will be valuable, both to those approaching drug problems from a public health planning perspective (local and national), as well as to frontline workers and responders.

The publication, which draws on inputs from 30 countries (28 EU, Turkey and Norway), will be available in English in print, pdf and e-pub formats.

Launch details

Date: 24 October 2017
Time: The report will be launched online at 11.00 Central European Time/CET (10.00 Western European Time/WET, Lisbon time)
Find out more: www.emcdda.europa.eu/responses-guide

