Work programme 1999


In 1999, and in accordance with its three-year work programme 1998–2000, the EMCDDA's main tasks were to: further improve the quality of the epidemiological and demand-reduction data collected by the Centre; in particular, work on a set of harmonised key indicators was undertaken at EU level, with the involvement and commitment of the Member States and the National focal points; consolidate the implementation of the EU Joint action on new synthetic drugs, developing structured working methods and mechanisms for information exchange and risk assessment; strengthen the performance of the National focal points in relation to their core tasks, enhance their relationship with the EMCDDA in Lisbon and their role in the implementation of the Centre's work programmes, and allow them to broaden the scope of their work to include other potential core tasks; develop a more structured partnership with the EMCDDA's priority partners, as well as with other European Union institutions and programmes and associated neighbour countries, especially the central and eastern European countries in their pre-accession phase; this partnership should be defined, where appropriate, in Memoranda of Understanding and concretised in joint action programmes on the basis of mutual interest, mechanisms for co-operation, information exchange, and participation in the EMCDDA's activities; strengthen the Centre's information technology and telematics systems to improve the production and dissemination of EMCDDA information and publications. Special attention was paid to strengthening the Centre's financial management and accounting system, according to the requirements of the European Court of Auditors. See also the table estimating costs by activity.

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